There will be no ecological transition without a social and labour transition

The energy model must be changed. But even more urgent is a

transformation that addresses the limitation of wealth, consumption and the necessary sharing of labour

Vicente López

At present, practically no one doubts the need for an ecological transition. Environmental denialism, although it exists, seems to retreat in the face of the overwhelming evidence of the negative effects of our way of life on nature.significance, as for the first time in history, humankind would have a tool that makes it possible to interfere with the evolutionary process of living organisms fundamentally and to permanently eliminate species.

There are, however, political disagreements about how and with what intensity environmental measures should be tackled, especially in the field of energy.The reason is quite simple: people are well aware of the consequences of these measures on economic growth and, therefore, on the level of employment and income distribution. The escalating prices that we are experiencing, whose origin is determined, among others, by the prices of energy, raw materials and the problems in the supply chains, are leading to a process of impoverishment of the majority of the population, especially of working men and women, while corporate margins are increasing unchecked. On the other hand, the monetary authorities' response has been an increase in interest rates that will generate more unemployment and greater social inequality. This may be a good example of what can happen in these processes of ecological transition if the recipes of economic orthodoxy continue.


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